Seasonings for Low Salt Diets

April 15, 2010

Salt Free Seasonings

Your doctor just put you on a low sodium diet for medical reason. I usually see a 1,500 – 2,000 mg sodium daily restriction. Low sodium meals do not mean no flavor or no taste. Sure you would have to get rid of that salt shaker at the table and be very aware of type of seasonings you use in cooking.

Start with low sodium recipes when possible.  There are plenty on the internet. By using herbs and spices to enhance and add flavor you would not need to season with salt.  Remember that most ingredients you use already have some sodium. Use no added salt or very low sodium canned vegetables and soups in your recipes.

Fresh is always best
Fresh lemon, peppers, garlic, onions are standard ways to add flavor.  Container gardening is a good way to provide fresh herbs and cut cost.  One good way to save fresh cut herbs is to cut up and freeze them in ice cube container with water. You will have perfectly portioned amount for next time.  I have just frozen herbs between two dampened paper towels and have not noticed any altered flavor.

Dried spices in flakes, granulated or powdered
There are many brands salt-free seasonings available at the supermarket.  Why not make your own and save money. Keep in mind to keep all your spices in air-tight containers and store away from light or heat for longer storage life. I even hear somewhere that keeping a bay leaf in the container helps keep the bugs away. If properly stored ground up spices keep well for about 6 months and whole spices up to a year.

I buy my spices by the weight at the local health food store. That way I only buy what I need. It seems more time and energy efficient to make at least one cup batch at a time. Buy a spice that comes in a shaker with a tight lid (like dried onion flakes at the Dollar Store) and use the content in the mix or for something else. Try adding uncooked rice to your shaker to prevent caking. To keep your spice mix fresh longer you can also keep it in the freezer door.

Here are some recipes for spice mix:


Spice-Herb- Chart

Related posts:
Salt Substitute and Sea Salt for Low Sodium Diet
Tips for Low Sodium Diet Plan
Reading Label for Sodium
Where Do I Get Sodium?
Sodium Chloride and Health

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