Herbal teas are great for increasing hydration with many health boosting qualities.  The combination of herbs depends on your taste and health benefits you seek. The less expensive ways are to grow your own herbs or buy herbs in bulk.  Mixing up your own herbal tea combinations is easy. Here are 5 common combinations to get started.

Sleepy Time Blend
This mix has natural relaxing and soothing effect. It is great for night time tea or during illness.
Start with 1 teaspoon mixture of chamomile, mint, and catnip herbs.

Blend for Stomach Trouble
•    2 teaspoons mint leaf
•    1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
•    1 slice of fresh or a pinch of dried ginger

Stress Relief Blend
•    1 tablespoons ground turmeric
•    1 tablespoon saffron strands
•    2 tablespoons cardamom
•    1/3 cup dried rose petals
•    1/3 cup dried chamomile

Energy Blend
•    1⁄2 teaspoon loose green tea leaves
•    1 teaspoon rosemary
•    1⁄8 teaspoon nutmeg
•    honey (optional)
•    8 ounces clean water

Quick Cleansing Tea Blend
•    1 tablespoon dandelion root or 1 tea bag
•    Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons
•    1 tablespoon  cranberry juice (with no sugar)

Brewing tips:
•    Use Mason jars, glass, or ceramic tea pots
•    Use clean pure water not tap water
•    Use boiling water, steep for 7-9 minutes for most blends
•    Store steeped tea in refrigerator no more than 3 days


The MIND diet is a marriage of ideas from two Heart healthy meal plans the DASH (for hypertension) and the Mediterranean diet (reduce heart disease risks). The term MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.



Whether you are at risk for Alzheimer’s disease or just want to be on the cautious side. This is an easy to follow heart and brain healthy diet that can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s by up to 53% they say. Even if you do not follow it to the letter you can still benefit from this diet.

Here are the main points for the (brain healthy) MIND diet:

• Fresh or cooked green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, and other salad greens): 6 or more servings a week (a serving: 1 cup raw, ½ cup cooked)
• Non leafy vegetables: (potatoes, corn, cauliflower) one or more serving a day
• Nuts: (such as almonds, walnuts, cashews) 5 servings a week (a serving: 1 ounce, example: 24 almonds, 18 medium cashews, 8 medium Brazil nuts, 12 macadamia nuts, 35 peanuts, 15 pecan halves and 14 English walnut halves)
• Fresh or frozen berries: Two or more servings a week
(a serving: 1 cup raw, ½ cup cooked/processed), blueberries and strawberries are favored.
• Beans: such as black, pinto, chick peas, 3 servings or more a week (a serving: ½ cup cooked)
• Whole grains: bread, pasta, brown rice, 3 or more servings a day
• Fish (for omega-3 content) Once a week, prefer baked or steamed • Skinless Chicken or turkey: (3-5 oz. serving) 2 times a week
• Extra virgin olive oil: should be your main cooking /salad oil.
• Red Wine: (Antioxidants and Resveratrol) ONE glass a day, example: 5 fl oz of table wine

In Addition, doing the following things may also help to reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

•    Keep well hydrated with plenty of fluids
•    Practice portion control
•    Maintain a healthy weight
•    Find time for regular exercise
•    Get adequate sleep
•    Include stress reduction activities



Daily Healthy Eating Tips

January 10, 2014


• Cook and prepare meals at home as much as you can to avoid eating higher fat and sodium foods when dinning out.
• Take advantage of healthy recipes are available at your local library and internet
• Plan you menu, make a shopping list before going to the store. Don’t go hungry.
• Buy plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits that you like.
• Include whole grains breads and pasta
• Read nutrition labels. Watch for high fat, sodium and high sugar in packaged foods
• Eat something within in the first hour you are up
• Eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Aim for 3 meals and 2 small snacks
• Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and aid in digestion

FROM LivestrongWoman CHANNEL

Dinning out TIPS:
• Order the healthiest option of the food you want. Example pasta with tomato base sauce instead of cream sauce.
• Chose healthier sides such as a salad instead of fried green beans
• Portion control by sharing a meal or take half of your meal home
• Order appetizers instead of entrée for smaller portions
• Order child’s or senior portions If available
• Eat a food with high fiber and drink plenty of water before going out. This fills you up before getting to the tempting foods.


Senior Nutrition

January 10, 2014

by MonkeySee channel

Common causes for senior nutritional problems:
• No appetite – Small frequent meals with favorite food,
• Difficulty in chewing – need soft or cooked fruits, vegetables, cut or ground meat
• Upset stomach – reduce gas forming foods and spicy foods
• Difficulty Shopping – ask for help from a family member, church, neighbor, Home Health
• Can’t cook – Meals on Wheels program, church pantry program
• Income – Public food pantry, church support

Senior Meals on Wheels (Michigan)
Note: Resources and services can vary for each state.

Senior Meals on Wheels Channel

You can help!

What You Can Do Channel


Mark Hyman, MD

People who may benefit from taking dietary supplements
• Pregnant women needing folic acid supplement
• Elderly with altered taste buds and not eating well, home bound needing Vitamin D
• Allergies i.e. lactose intolerance need additional calcium supplement
• High performance athletes